Podcasts 2

Progress Bar Podcast – Episode 20


Welcome to the Progress Bar Podcast where we talk about the latest in the world of gaming and the games we have been playing. On this weeks episode we have a guest from the Over Indulgence website. Chris Griffiths or Griff has decided to join the shenanigans and talk about how much he loves Mario Kart amongst other things. The Over Indulgence guys do do their own podcast and other crazy things so check them out!



We Play Games Too!

– Mario Kart 8 (WiiU)
– A lot of Mario Kart has been played and enjoyed by all. The bright and colourful nature of the game makes us squee with delight as we were traversing the upside down dimensions. While not everything is perfect there is still a decent amount of fun to be had both in the Offline and Online game modes.
– Watch Dogs (PC)
– Brendan has finally got a chance to play some games but made the mistake of dedicating that time to WatchDogs. Ridiculous mouse acceleration and issues with optimisation has plagued the game leaving a lackluster experience. For our full thoughts check out Kochie’s Review.
– LEGO Marvel Super Heroes
– Every Marvel game needs a big bad villain to cease humanities existence and In LEGO Marvel Super Heroes it’s no different. Doctor Doom and his Doom ray of Doom are attempting to destroy all us innocent people and it’s up to the good citizens of holyshitsuperpowers-ville to stop him. Griff has been doing everything in his power to unlock in the infamous Deadpool but still enjoying going back to the previous levels


Flat Earth Games Announce Metrocide

WiiU System update

Everyone Buys a WiiU

Mount Wario is awesome!

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

So much Argyle!

Xbox One controllers now work on PC

Watch Dogs now the fastest selling New IP

Watch Dogs graphics comparison

Production notes: Intro and outro music were supplied by Teknoaxe. This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.


  • Griff
    Jun 18, 2014 5:43 pm


  • Griff
    Jun 18, 2014 5:43 pm