On Episode 24 of the Progress Bar Podcast, Oculus Rift is available for Pre-order, Tomb Raider is coming to PC and our GOTY picks of 2015. I was joined by a friend and aspiring Youtuber Jason, also known as Quincjy so bother him as much as possible on Twitter and Youtube.
Download Progress Bar Podcast – Episode 24 MP3 (53MB)
Oculus Rift Available for Pre-Order
Rise of the Tomb Raider Coming to PC in January
Progress Bar Game of the Year 2015
As we leave 2015 behind we can look back and see what a year it was for games. Some games changed our view on genre’s and some left a bad taste in your mouth like the morning after a 2am kebab. We like to cover a wide spectrum of games here at Progress Bar so we have narrowed it down to a few categories before covering our Top 5 of 2015.
Categories are as follows:
“What the hell were you thinking Award” for most disappointing game
Winner: Evolve
Other Nominees: Halo 5, Battlefield Hardline, Star Wars Battlefront, Fallout 4.
“OMGWTFBBQ” Award for biggest surprise
Winner: Rocket League
Other Nominees: Cities Skylines ,Guitar Hero Live, Splatoon.
Best Music
Winners: Hacknet (Kochie), Crypt of the Necrodancer (Jason)
Other Nominees: Undertale, Rocket League, Assault Android Cactus.
“The One That Got Away” Award for game we wished we played more
Winners: Undertale (Kochie), Her Story (Jason)
Other Nominees: Witcher 3, BloodBorne, Splatoon, SOMA.
Kochie’s Top 5 Games
- Rocket League
- Cities Skylines
- Undertale
- Fallout 4
- Life is Strange.
Jason’s Top 5 Games
- The Beginner’s Guide
- Rocket League
- Until Dawn
- Layers of Fear
- King’s Quest
Production notes: Intro/outro music was supplied by Teknoaxe. This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.