E3 2014 News

Microsoft’s E3 2014 Conference


In the mass of conferences that is E3 Microsoft was the first horse out of the gate and it decided to come out safely. They’ve learned a lot from previous years and kept it simple. Let’s see what they have come up with this year!

Which Games Have Been Updated?

Call of Duty – Advanced Warfare
– Microsoft started the conference with a Story Mode Trailer for the latest Call of Duty. The trailer contained a heavily scripted environment complete with some touching moments where a random military grunt dies for some reason (Not that random military grunt!)
– The environment is your standard greys and brows of COD but they were very pretty greys and browns, so that’s good!
– Set to release 4th November 2014 on all major consoles and PC
Forza Horizon 2
– Drivatar system will be implemented in Forza Horizon 2
– Players are able to create “Clubs” for racer fans to feel like they are in a guild type setting
– Very cinematic trailer with some modern music, not really showing anything new but it was pretty!
– Set to release Sept 30th on Xbox One and Xbox 360
– Turn 10 also Announced the Nurburgring race course available now for free in Forza 5
– 2k and TurtleRock studios show a cinematic trailer for the class based alien shooter. Will you be the humans or will you take on the persona of a ferocious monster. The gameplay seems to be 4 Humans vs 1 monster so it will be interesting to see how they balance the elements of both sides
– Exclusive beta + DLC exclusive to Xbox
– No release date specified

Assassin’s Creed Unity
– “Exclusive” gameplay demo which apparently is redefining the genre set in revolution-era Paris. -Unfortunately it still looks exactly like Assassin’s creed and plays like assassin’s creed. No Kart racing this time.
-The trailer depicts some sort of co-op multiplayer where you and 3 friends can stab things and parkour together! I would hope that I don’t get that one guy who completely fails the mission for the rest of us over and over again.
– You can also create your own Brotherhood In Assassins Creed Unity
– Set to release October 28th
Dragon Age Inquisition
– Quick trailer with what looked like gameplay but nothing has been released giving away any more information. Hopefully things will arise in the not too distant future
– Set to release October 7th
– For more information check out our EA Conference Article (To be posted shortly)
Project spark
Create your own game within project spark. It looks like Co-op missions will play a big part in Project Spark allowing for the creator and friends to roam around a world of monumental possibilities. I am definitely looking forward to this one.
It was also teased that Conker will be in Project Spark! So that’s pretty cool.
Still no release date but it is set to release on Xbox One and PC.


What Has Been Announced?

Sunset Overdrive
– You are playing in a world where a contaminated energy drink has turned the population into monsters
– Very fluid parkour system and some really nice particle effects.
– Similar to Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z with the comic intros for special enemies and that in you face dialog that can always cause a giggle or two (“YOU AND YOUR CRATE ARE SAFE”).
– Chaos Squad and 8 player online experience with dedicated servers – playing through big rounds of activities with multiple missions.
– Set to release October 28th, Only on Xbox One.
All new DLC for Dead Rising 3 to celebrate Capcom’s 31th anniversary
– 1-4 players online coop, arcade zombie killing with everything you would expect from Capcom, super moves – power ups – bonus stages and a full roster of characters to play as.
– Available Now!
Fable Legends
– Looks like a action based fluid combat system that looks really really pretty for what that short sequence was
– You can also play as the villain in a top down view that allows you to move around the enemies and control the battlefield (Think Mighty Quest for Epic Loot or Dungeonland)
– Multiplayer beta only on Xbox One which can be accessed through HERE
– Beta will launch this Spring
All things in the Halo Universe
Everyone expected the big piece from Microsoft to be something something Halo and boy did they deliver. Bonnie Ross from 343 studios arrived on stage to discuss three new Halo experiences.
Halo: Nightfall
This live action show features a story that leads up to Halo 5 guardians and will be released this Spring. Just like the 2012 Halo film “Forward Unto Dawn”, both shows will take place in the same universe as the games. According to Nancy Tellem, head of Xbox Entertainment Studios, Halo: Nightfall started shooting a couple of weeks ago.
Halo Master Chief Collection
This collectors pack allows for all previous major Halo games to be played on the one console. Also announced as part of this bundle was Halo 2: Anniversary edition complete with multiplayer. Maps have been updated and it looks pretty awesome.
For more information and a trailer check out our Article
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Finally some gameplay to come out of the recently announced Witcher 3! With updated gore and polish the gameplay trailer follows Geralt (The main character) on his hunt to slay a Griffin. Along his way he meets some unfriendly ruffians which allows Geralt to test his new hacky slashy combat abilities.
Set to release 24th February 2015 for Xbox One, Playstation 4 and PC
Tom Clancy’s – The Division
The Division has been highly anticipated by fans but it seems odd to see the same gameplay as E3 last year but now it was in the snow and with a possibility of bases. Some more footage has been possibly shown in the Ubisoft conference. (To be posted shortly)
Set to release in 2015


What was Teased?

Inside (From the developers of Limbo) – Trailer
Rise of the Tomb Raider – Trailer
ScaleBound – Exclusive to Xbox one – Trailer
CrackDown 3 – Multiplayer Trailer
Ori and the Blind Forest – Trailer
Phanton Dust – Exclusive to Xbox one – Trailer
Fantasia Music Evolved – Set to release October 21st – No Trailer but uses Kinect
Dance Central Spotlight – Set to release September – No Trailer but uses Kinect


I think that this was a very safe conference for Microsoft. They showed a bunch of stuff that appealed to everyone and made sure there was very minimal reference to kinect and other features like TV or movies. I’m glad to see that have learned from previous E3 presentations but nothing really wowed me and got me excited for something amazing save for the Halo Master Chief Collection because $59.99 USD is a great price for all that content. Nothing risky, nothing out there, just lots of strong content that everyone can enjoy.
Check out the full Twitch VOD of the conference: