
Progress Bar Podcast – Episode 14


On this episode of the Progress Bar Podcast


This episode we discuss Foxtel Play being added to the PlayStation 3, just in time to catch all the unfolding drama on the Game of Thrones – a PS4 version of the streaming service is in the works.


inFAMOUS: Second Son for the PlayStation 4 will get a few updates including the ability to take better screenshots, user selectable time of day and frame rate performance.


We Play Games Too


We’ve been known to play games occasionally. This week Kochie has been playing One Finger Death Punch a simple to play, difficult to master fighting game from Silver Dollar Games; and Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z on PC which he reviewed here. Finally, he discusses the 2D action game, Mercenary Kings, which is available on Steam and PS4.


Brendan has been playing Hearthstone which descends into shameful confessions of the card games we’ve played including Yu-Gi-Oh! and my own embarrassing story of trying to play Pokemon TCG with hardcore Magic: The Gathering players.


Finally, I have been playing Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes which I kind of liked and reviewed here and I dabbled in a bit of Mercenary Kings.


Play this week’s episode – 14 April, 2014


Production notes: Intro and outro music were supplied by Teknoaxe. This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.


You may also notice a few rare audio dropouts, which we experienced during our conference call and assure you it was as annoying for us, as it probably is for you to listen to, but Kochie did a great job to smooth it all out.