This week on the Progress Bar podcast
This week on the podcast we’re going to sit down and debate the biggest news to hit last week and that’s Facebook acquiring the Oculus Rift and the company behind it for $2 billion.
We’re going to go through all the reasons why this is a beneficial move for the company, from Mark Zuckerberg’s grand plans for the platform beyond gaming to what the Oculus VR CEO Brendan Irebe had to say.
Then we’re going to assess some of the less desirable things this partnership could mean and how some independent developers have reacted to the news. Did Oculus VR make a mistake in partnering with a company that has a chequered history with privacy? Or are those fears overblown? This episode we’ll be joined by the Editor-in-Chief Brendan Roberts, who has a few thoughts of his own on this deal.
We play games too
It’s strange, but we do occasionally play video games. This week, Brendan has been playing Diablo III: Reaper of Souls and finds that old time dungeon crawling to be a fun jaunt. Kochie has been preparing to die all over again once Dark Souls 2 hits PC, by dying over and over and over and over and over and over and over again in Dark Souls. Remember to send all your spoiler heavy tips and pictures to @KochieAU. While I have been busy indulging my superpowers in Seattle with inFAMOUS: Second Son and then getting all sneaky in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.
Play this week’s episode – 31 March, 2014
Production notes: Intro and outro music were supplied by Teknoaxe. This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.