The team over at Oculus have released the finalised price of their Oculus Rift VR headset which is now available for pre-order.
“We’re excited to announce that Rift is now available to pre-order for $599 USD* on and it will ship to 20 countries starting March 28. People have been dreaming about immersive high-end VR for decades, and we’re thrilled to share Rift with you this March.” – The Oculus Team
The $599 USD pricetag is for the package shown above as well as 2 games; EVE Valkyrie and Lucky’s Tale. What it doesn’t include is things like tax, shipping and the Oculus Touch controllers. If you are outside of the US the price increases to $649USD (~$916AUD) in Australia and $699USD (~$1056NZD) in New Zealand prior to the additional shipping costs.
Along with the pre-order release they also released details regarding the specifications required to run the Oculus Rift hardware on your machine.
- Video Card: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD R9 290 equivalent or greater
- CPU: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
- Memory: 8GB+ RAM
- Video Output: Compatible HDMI 1.3 video output
- USB Ports: 3x USB 3.0 ports plus 1x USB 2.0 port
- OS Windows: 7 SP1 64 bit or newer
While the graphics and CPU power required didn’t surprise me considering the new age tech, the amount of USB ports that are needed certainly seems more than necessary. I think I may be waiting a few years before I get my hands on one of these.
If you have the spare change, head over to the Oculus Rift page and set up your pre-order.